William Jason Reso
Family and home life are your main interests. You know how to nurture and accept anyone, therefore, many are drawn to
you including those that others call, "strays". You have an eye for anything beautiful and your home is sure to
reflect this, no matter what your budget is. You are proud of all your possessions and especially of the talents of your family
members. Your generous, creative nature makes you the ideal host or guest at a party.
You are the essence of individuality and independence. You are intense and convicted when it comes to defending your beliefs,
as you never doubt your inner strength and ability to handle any challenge. Many are inspired by your confidence, while others
may feel irritated and view it as arrogance. You are likely to attract people and situations that allow you to express this
part of yourself or else they will mirror these traits back to you .
You've got charisma, and a following to prove it. You live by your belief that change is progress, and so there tends
to be a quick turn over in your relationships, jobs and even educational interests. You are the proverbial, " jack of
all trades-master of none.", and this gives you a multi-dimensionality that befriends you to people of every walk of
life. You are colorful in your dress and possess a magnetic sensuality.
Christian Cage
You have a vision of a perfect world. Forgiveness, Love and altruism are the path you walk. You are the idealist, and
you do everything in your power to live up to your ideals in order to be a good example for others to follow. Inside, you
know that you will be imitated, so you are extremely aware of your every "imperfection". Letting go of people and
places when you have fulfilled your role with them is an important lesson for you. There are many that need to be touched
by your wisdom.
You are a philosopher by nature. Inside, you are calm shy and reserved, preferring to live alone in your own perfect world
of thoughts and intuitive analysis of life's deeper mysteries. You experience irritation and upset in noisy or chaotic environments,
as your hearing is more sensitive than most peoples. You have a good ear for music and are probably drawn to complex and meditative
Some may detect a glow around you and feel drawn to you by fate. The glow is a reflection of the refined and inspirational
energy that courses through you, seemingly from other worlds. You may be an artistic genius or any other kind for that matter,
but one thing is for sure, you have a powerful effect on anyone who enters your life. You are not afraid to recreate yourself
as is necessary at your accelerated pace and other people follow your example becoming more of who they really are.