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While we were there, it happened to be the 30th birthday of none other than the Edgemeister, Adam Copeland. Myself, Amy, Edge, Christian and their significant others all went out for Adams birthday. We ate at a great Japanese steakhouse and loaded up on sushi and steak, chicken and shrimp. Following that, we went to Busch Gardens Hell-O-Scream, a special Halloween event that was going on at the park. We had a blast going in and out of the eight haunted houses and interacting with the ghouls. The first haunted house we went in, the ghoul broke from reciting his scary lines over the mic and said to me, Dude, youre Matt Hardy! Adam replied, Hey man, dont break character! Stay in your gimmick man! Funny stuff. Amy and I rode everything we could, as it was the first time shes had the opportunity to ride any roller coasters since having her neck surgery. My time off was awesome and well deserved. Although the no-stress, no-responsibility lifestyle was nice, Ive got millions of MFers that need Mattitude.


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