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The Name Game

We spend a lot of hours in rental cars. On any given week, we drive hundreds of miles getting from one town to another. One of the more popular ways to kill time is to play the Wrestling Name Game. ...

... Tommy Dreamer and Christian devised a way to speed up the game. The order would not reverse, but the next player would have to name two wrestlers whose name begins with an A. If a person names someone with three names starting with the same letter (example, Hunter Hearst Helmsley) the next player would have to name three wrestlers beginning with an H. ...

... I called Christian to judge this one, as hes a super wrestling nerd in useless wrestling knowledge, just like Tommy. I put the phone to my ear. Bubbas eyes lit up, and he quickly grabbed it from me. The call went something like this:
Bubba: Christian, how is Xanta Claus spelled? Thanks, bye. Tommy, its with a Z, you sloth!...

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