Credit to
I'm not just saying this because he's my brother in law, but I feel "Chief" Sean Morley is one of the most underrated
Superstars we have, along with Lance, Rhyno, Christian, Matt Hardy, Billy Kidman, Kanyon and Jamie Noble. That's why I was
so happy to see Morley involved in the J.R./Stone Cold/Eric Bischoff storyline last night. Hopefully, now he can have some
kind of cool direction going forward.
That segues right into how great Christian is doing lately.
I saw a confidence
in his promo last night I've never seen before. I'm really happy to see new (even though he's been here five years), deserving
talent start to move up the ladder. And trust me, Goldberg, when the bastard hits ya it feels like a rubber mallet. Just ask
anyone who's worked with him.