Standing Solo

September 30, 2003
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I have to start off this week's Edgeucation with a tip of the hat to Rob Van Dam and Christian. While I feel the Ladder Match is overused, which makes it feel less special, last night Christian and RVD put on one hell of a special match nonetheless. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Ladder Matches. I just feel they should be done more sporadically. With all of that being said, last night's match, to me, stands up against any I've seen (although I am biased toward the first-ever tag team Ladder Match involving yours truly; TLCs are a different animal altogether). What was even more impressive was that the Miserable Bastard (my pet name for Christian) did it with a case of whiplash he suffered in last week's match. Well done, guys, the Edge Army salutes you.

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