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I fondly remember visiting Stu's while I did some training out in Calgary. Christian and I entered into the hallowed
Dungeon. I swear you could almost hear the screams that bounced off of those wall throughout the years. Thankfully we escaped
before Stu made it down. Christian however did not escape completely unscathed. We made it all the way to the front porch
and that's when Stu took his opportunity to slowly work his way closer and closer to Christian, all the while complimenting
us on how athletic we looked. He lulled into his trap and Christian got hooked. For me, it was hilarious. I had enough distance
and got to witness Stu show me all kinds of great holds...on Christian. It was on the front porch, but Stu didn't care, he
had a hold of a new young buck, and that's what he loved. I'll never forget the sight of Stu jamming his chin in Christian's
eyeball, while stretching his arms uncomfortably behind his head. It sounds physically impossible, but trust me, it's not.
Credit: Edgeucation, 10-21-03