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Online Reaction to the " Genesis" Pay Per View

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Online Reaction To The "Genesis" Pay-Per-View News
November 14th, 2005 00:28

TNA Community Member "VersionOne"
Another stellar performance from TNA Wrestling. Elimination X proved that the X Division is the next big thing in professional wrestling. Joe, Daniels, Shelley, Aries, Bentley, Sabin, Strong... These guys are the future of this sport. AJ and Petey III was their best performance yet. Sabu and Abyss... Come on. Black Hole Slam onto a barbed wire steel chair! Holy crap! I was very pleased to see Monty Brown pick up the victory over Jeff Hardy. Team 3D and Rhino going over in the main event was great, too... If only that match was for all the gold! Oh, I almost forgot... CHRISTIAN CAGE! Christian Cage is FINALLY home, and I am PUMPED. This guy has a huge future ahead of him, and it's great to see him in a TNA ring. Easily one of, if not THE biggest moment in TNA history. Welcome home, Christian Cage!

TNA Community Member "Captain Canuck"
I considered not getting it, and would be kicking my own ass if I hadn't. It was fantastic; just kept better as it went along. Everyone involved should stand out at the top of the entrance ramp and take a bow.

TNA Community Member "PJRoxx"
Great, great PPV, just what we TNA faithful have come to expect.

TNA Community Member "Crimson Cross"
This was a 10... no doubt about it, TNA put on a TOP NOTCH event... Christian Cage debuts and kicks *** along with Team 3D, you have to love seeing Jarrett going through the table. Samoa Joe snaps, that was GREAT! One word describes the whole show...GREAT! I was even chanting THIS IS AWESOME! and TNA! and I don't care if thats nuts while sitting at home, TNA brings the kid out in me and that whats great! My Hats off to TNA!

TNA Community Member "spanky_maclizard"
TNA's PPVs just keep getting better! I thought the No Disqualification match was crazy... and then came the main event! What happened within that match and the last five minutes of the night can only be described as completely insane! Solid beginning right to one helluva finish - Total Nonstop Action definitely delivers.

TNA Community Member "Xtremeslim"
Christian Cage!!!!!!!! Christian Cage!!!!!! TNA!!!! Elimination X = Awesome. Styles Clash off the top rope! Joe showing us why he is a brutal monster. Barbed Wire + Thumb tacks = Extremeeeeeeeeeee. 3-D!!!!! Rhino-Driver! This PPV can't be summed up in one word but if it could you would say Greatness. TNA keeps the great PPVs going.

TNA Community Member "WCWite"
For whoever didn't order this, you really missed out.

TNA Community Member "Rachtman"
TNA has outdone themselves again. Genesis was a solid PPV from beginning to end with the Elimination X match and the debut of Christian Cage taking center stage. TNA, keep up the excellent work, and keep climbing higher and higher each month. There is no limit!

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