Friday, 04 November 2005
Are you surprised that Christian didn’t renew his contract?
You know ah, Christian and I, we were friends, we didn’t talk too much, but ah… I knew enough to know that
… you know, and I’d been in the ring with him of course enough to know that he is a talented dude, man, he can
really have a good match with anybody. I think he just felt as if he was, ah… he was capable of doing a lot more than
what he was doing on the show, and whether he was frustrated with the Company or himself, or the writers or whatever it was,
I think that, you know, one of his, ah, you know, one of his deals was he hasn’t missed a show, except for like about
3 months ago, when he hurt his back wrestling RVD, he hasn’t missed a show since then in 8 years, with the Company,
and I think that, I think that he’s just burnt out.
You know I think him, just like Jericho, you know, a couple of years go by, maybe 6 months, a year, you know, they’re
gonna know people are gonna want them back. I think it’s just a matter of them going out and going away, you know, getting
their head on straight, resting, and just getting that ah, getting that feel for it again. And they’re gonna get it.
Once you do this, once you wrestle in front of a crowd, you get a response, and you kind of feel like, people sitting in
those seats have paid to see you, there’s nothing else you can picture doing. Like I said before, I can’t picture
myself doing anything else, and I don’t think either of them can, either, and they just have enough money right now,
where they can take a year off, raise a, raise a child, you know, enjoy their wives, their lives, and ah, come back and be
more over than they were when they left, just because of that absence. You know, and I think that’s the smart way to
do it. You know, if you do it the right way, of course.
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