Standing Solo

Lance Storm Q & A October 12, 2005
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Q: In one of your older commentaries you said that you hate long hair- do you mean on you or in general, and if in general, do you really think the Christian and chris jericho look better now than before?
A: I meant more that I hate it for me. Christian definitely looks better with short hair. He isn't nearly as ugly now.

Q: I don't know if your personally friends with steive Richards but why do you think he always seems to get the bums rush by always jobbing and is hardely ever given a chance to wrestle on Smackdown?
A: I would call Stevie a friend. He is a great guy and we got a long well and liked working with each other. I think often in wrestling workers get labeled and stuck in that spot. I think due to size and look, Stevie was likely labelled as a utility guy and there he gets stuck. I think Christian is similarly plagued in that he started as a cruiserweight and then had to fight hard to be taken serious as a tag guy. I think there is still a size label inhibiting the WAY over due Main Event status.

Q: Who has to be killed so we can see more of Christian, just one guy in creative to be made an example of or every one in there?
A: If I knew I'd have already hired the hitman!

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