My name is Jeff Lorenc,
I am writing an open letter to Vince McMahon and the WWE. Last night I attended the RAW show in Binghamton NY. I had 5th row
on the floor (First row of risers on the floor). I was all over TV with my pink shirt and my signs. However, I felt violated
as an American last night. I made signs that said "RUCK CENA" (The Cena shirt that says RUCK FULES) and "WE CAN'T SEE CENA...
THANK GOD!". You could see these during the match. After the first commercial break sometime if you have RAW video taped,
the signs disappear. I had a WWE guy wearing a RAW polo shirt walk by and without even looking at me or stopping literally
rip the signs out of my hand and said "I'll be taking these". Everyone in my section was stunned as to why WWE would take
these signs. Me now P.O.'ed decided to voice my opinion about how Triple H is hogging all the time on RAW and held up my "PUSH
HHH" sign, knowing they would take it. That can be seen on camera. After the first commercial break before Tomko gets tagged
in, you can see me jump off the bleachers. The WWE guy again ripped the sign out of my hands and told me to come with
him. He pulled me off camera and told me that if he has to take one more sign from me, he would place me on the other side
of the camera in the corner where no one could see me. (There were lots of empty seats in the arena on the camera side. The
place was NOT sold out like they claimed). I then asked him what was wrong with my signs. I said they were not in bad taste
and had no bad words on there and they did have to do with wrestling. His only response was "They don't want them in the back".
I asked him what was approperate he said "If you don't know what is then don't hold any up". I am a HUGE Christian fan,
and i can't stand Cena that's why I made the anti-Cena signs. To have the WWE rip the signs out of my hands with no explanation
is totally wrong. The WWE always preaches freedom of speech, and they claim to listen to us fans, well how can we voice our
opinions if they keep doing this? Why did the WWE not take my # 1 PEEPS sign that I held up for Christian? I BOO AND CHEER
FOR WHO I WANT, NOT WHO YOU TELL ME TO WWE. Why didn't WWE take away the newspapers the whole second row put in front of their
faces and read during the Master's segment (Funny stuff). Congratulations Vince and company, I was planning on giving you
$150 + for ringside Great American Bash seats and $40 + for SmackDown! seats two nights later. After last night, I will NEVER
attend another WWE event. You screwed me last night Vince, now SCREW YOU!