Byte This!
They show a clip of a RVD vs. Christian ladder match from RAW a few years ago.
Christian joins the
Loyd brings up the match they just showed, and says what he remembers from that night was that Christian was
all messed up. He wonders if it was the back. Christian says the back was a few months later. That night it was the neck.
He wrestled that match with a sprained neck. He couldn’t lift his head up or down or side to side. He was trying to
put heat on it all day. But once you get out there in front of the crowd, you are psyched up, the adrenaline is flowing, and
the blood is pumping. Loyd says he remembers seeing him backstage before the match, and he couldn’t move. And then he
is in a ladder match with RVD of all people. Loyd says Christian has a tolerance for pain.
Loyd formally welcomes
him to the show. Romero brings up that this is the second time he’s on in 5-6 weeks. Christian says you are probably
trying to get the ratings up.
Romero says he has been pretty vocal about coming over the Smackdown, which he calls
the “good side of things” Christian says you never know what could happen with the draft lottery. He says no ones
know where they are gonna end up, so this whole month is going to be interesting. It’s intense, crazy, no one knows
where they are going so it’s gonna be wild.
Loyd says it’s stressful, but also fun for the fans. Loyd
says he doesn’t want Captain Charisma to leave RAW. And brings up his “that’s how I roll” catchphrase
and says he uses it on the Bottom Line. He doesn’t know what will happen. He has been pretty vocal that wherever he
ends up, his goal is to be the WWE or World Champion.
Romero asks if he sits back and thinks about the matches he
could have with people from Smackdown. Christian says both brands have elite wrestlers. It’s great competition. So it’s
like take your pick. He says it’s a challenge to be on either brand.
Loyd brings up John Cena and a rivalry
of sorts that they have going on. Christian says he has been very vocal about telling Cena that he might be seeing a lot more
of him in the future. He said that you never know what happens, but if he gets drafted to Smackdown, he better keep his head
up. It started at the Royal Rumble, where they had a run-in backstage. He challenged Cena to a rap competition, which he believes
he won. He is a better rapper and wrestler than Cena. And he makes a better WWE champion that Cena. He says Cena is a lot
of hype so if Christian gets drafted, he wants Cena to know he is on his list.
Romero brings up how the fans are supportive
of him in Canada than they are in the US. Christian says it’s always great to go back to Canada. He says it’s
funny that wherever you go in Canada, they always treat Canadians like hometown boys. He says the response he got in Vancouver,
Victoria, and Calgary was unbelievable. The Christian Coalition is going strong in Calgary.
Email… if he and
Tomko got split up in the draft, would Christian be looking for another problem solver. If so, who would it be? He hasn’t
thought about that yet, and he doesn’t want to think about it. He trusts Tomko. He knows he always got his back, no
matter what. And it’s hard to find friends and help like that. He doesn’t know if he can trust anyone else like
that. That’s something he’ll have to think about.
Loyd brings up WM21 and Christian’s thoughts on
the ladder match. Christian thought it was a great match and one of the highlights on the show. He was proud to be a part
of it. Everyone in there busted their ass and put in a great performance. They put their bodies through a lot and the crowd
was responsive. They seem to appreciate the show they were putting on for them. He was glad to be part of the match, and that
the fans enjoyed, as that is what matters.
Romero says with all the talent that was involved in that match, you could
sit back 30 years from now and look at that match and be impressed with who you were in the ring with. Christian says you
don’t have to wait 30 years for that. You can think about that, the day after, the day before, and the day of the match.
He says the other five were the crème of the crop. It was a tough match, a hard match, hard-hitting match, a physical match,
a spectacle all rolled into one.
Loyd brings up the Gold Rush tournament and he losing to Kane in the first round.
He wonders what happened there. He feels good and confident, and that loss didn’t hurt his confidence one bit. He felt
he is confident. He is at the top of his game right now and is right where he wants to be. Sometimes, it doesn’t go
the way you want. The next time he gets an opportunity at either title, he’ll be sure to catch it.
Loyd says
when Edge made that proposal to Christian about giving him the briefcase, as he wont be needing it, Loyd thought that was
gonna be his night. He says it was a great incentive. He doesn’t mind helping people out as long as there is something
in there for him. But it was something else that didn’t happen, so take it as it comes, Christian assumes.
says it was either on Byte This or chat that HBK said he enjoys Christian’s humour on RAW. Loyd says he has
the comedic touch and it’s all about the timing. Christian says you’ll be hard-pressed to find a bigger compliment
than from HBK. Her always respected HBK, and watched him before he became a wrestler. When Christian first broke in to wrestling,
he patterned himself after HBK. To patterning himself after him, and HBK saying great things about him, he takes it as a compliment.
Romero brings up his run-ins lately with Ric Flair and Triple H, adding him to the list of people having run-ins lately
with the two. Christian says his interaction with Flair has been unbelievable. Whenever you get it on with Flair on the mic,
you know its something special. He thought it was pretty cool, and is glad that it was something he got to do.
shows the ‘Greatest Wrestlers of the 80’s’ DVD coming out and Ric Flair being on it. He asks how great is
it to watch someone you idolize while growing up, and the next thing you know, you are going back and forth with him in the
ring. Christian says it’s surreal and you just can’t explain it. He says it’s like living a dream.
asks if there is any chance that there will be a Captain Charisma DVD coming out. Christian says there is a good chance of
that happening. The Christian Coalition keeps growing by the week. He says he just has to get himself a few more highlights
in the next little while and then it will be time to put out a DVD. Loyd wants him to be clear on getting a few more highlights.
Christian says there are still a few more things he liked to do before putting out a DVD.
Romero shows off the new
Christian t-shirt. Loyd asks what can we expect from Christian in the future. His goal is to be either the WWE or World Champion
and as he promised the peeps, he won’t be denied this year. He said you can call this the ‘Year of the Peep.’
Christian leaves the show.