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Waterproof Blonde has complete their second theme for a WWE superstar
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Waterproof Blonde has complete their second theme for a WWE superstar. This time out it is Christian. The song is called Just Close Your Eyes. The CD is due out on November 16, 2004.

1. How did the offer for Waterproof Blonde to do another theme song for a WWE Superstar come about?
Jim Johnston (Music Director for WWE) has kept us in mind for things since Sean's song... he sent us an email asking us to do the song in 4 days! We accepted. Jim has been very cool to us and I sense that he is really trying to look out for us as much as he is capable.

2. Was there a preconceived idea about the songs lyrics or music?
It was pretty much all written by Jim when we got the track. It's not our song, but we changed things a bit to make it our own.

3. Was it definite that the song would be for Christian in the beginning?

4.Was the band surprised to get the offer to work for WWE again?
Yes, but a hesitant surprise. I'm not sure how being affiliated with the WWE looks to the outside world. It's been great for us, but I think there is a stigma with the attachment to WWE... not that I really care, but if you check out reviews of our EP, that's all they talk about.

5. In what ways does this song differ from 'Come On' that you did for Sean O'Haire? For example, Sean was heavily involved with his song. Was there input from Christian?
Not sure if Christian was involved... I'm almost sure he wasn't. Come On and Just Close Your Eyes are totally different songs. We wrote Come On and not Just Close Your Eyes...big difference.

6. How does this song differ from the music on Glitter Lust and your upcoming release, The Morning After the Night Before?
Big difference...even between the songs on Glitter Lust and the upcoming Morning After The Night Before album. Glitter Lust was a very pop/rock EP, very slick. MATNB is much more a rock album with a more organic aggression to it... there are some laid back songs as well, but we went into this with the idea of distancing ourselves from Glitter Lust, not that it's a bad album, but a very different place for us as a band. MATNB is a very defined picture of Waterproof Blonde and where we've been in our short existence.

7. Do you have an idea about when the CD will be released?
The album will be released on January 25, 2005... we're going to advance release it through for online orders early January and maybe through itunes. I believe the single "Hold Me Down" will be out to college radio and alt radio in mid-December. So if anyone wants to get involved with getting behind Waterproof Blonde simply bug the hell out of your local alternative rock station and if they don't know about us tell them to look us up. We're going to have the single for radio to download on the site so anyone anywhere can have access to it. Also... to anyone that reads this interview... tell as many people about us as possible. Spread the word! That's how it all works! Come out to shows this upcoming year, we'll be out on the road a lot in early 2005!

8. Is Just Close Your Eyes being used now for Christian?
I think they started the bumper track this past Monday... I don't have cable so I have no idea. If anyone knows let me know!


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