Tommy Dreamer introduced Christian onto the show and he said that the only title that Christian has not
held in the WWE is the Heavyweight Title. Tommy asked Christian what is going on and why haven't we seen him since his cage
match with Jericho? Christian said that he injured his back and he has been trying to take care of that. Christian took a
big fall in the cage match, a super plex off the top which was the last straw. It has been building up over time and ten years
of wrestling and punishment on the body catches up with you after a while. Tommy asked Christian if he had a streak of being
non injured? Christian said yes. It may not have been an official streak but he never missed time for injury. It was a good
streak and he doesn't know if it was the longest but pretty close.
They went to a caller for Christian and the caller
said since he's been away from the ring, what has he taken a liking to since being off the road? Christian said that he's
taken a liking to lying on the couch and watching TV. It's cool that he doesn't have to worry about making a flight and you
can relax, but he loves what he does in wrestling and he can't wait to get back on the road.
Marc asked Christian
when we can expect him back? Christian said he doesn't have an exact date. He would hope in the not too distant future.
caller said in a couple years, will he ever get back with Edge because they were one of the best tag teams ever? Christian
said he thinks they were one of the best tag teams ever but you never know. It may or may not happen. Never rule it out.
read an email and it asked Christian if he thinks Trish is a good kisser? Christian said that he doesn't know if it's that
or that he's a good kisser.
Tommy asked Christian what Trish is doing without Christian on the road? Christian said
Tomko is taking care of everything while he's away and Tommy noted that this is wrestling and people backstab each other left
and right. He's not afraid Tomko is going to take Trish? Christian said that he's not worried about him and Tommy agreed,
because Christian is a sexy beast. Anybody that would leave him, he could just get someone bigger and better because he does
look like a male model.
Tommy brought up the Stanley Cup because he knows Christian is a big fan of hockey. Who is
he rooting for, since he is Canadian and is there rioting going on in Tampa? Christian said it was pretty crazy here because
they had the parade and there was 35,000 people involved. It's pretty crazy because Tampa turned into a big hockey town. Christian
said that whoever wins, he'll go with it. He's been supporting Tampa all year but Toronto is his team, so whoever wins, it's
all good.
They went to a caller for Christian and the caller said considering his injury, would he want to go back
to doing ladder matches and everything? Christian said that he wouldn't rule it out, but he'd want to see how his back is
feeling. If the time was right, he'd definitely consider it again.
They went to another caller for Christian and the
caller asked Christian who he thinks is the most under rated wrestler in the WWE today? Christian said that Jericho has always
been a great partner and opponent and for some reason, no matter what has happened between them, he always thought he was
a little bit under rated for good he is. Tommy said that he would concur and Marc Loyd asked how you gage that, with all of
the titles that Jericho has held? Tommy said for years, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero were probably the most under rated
wrestlers in the world but now they are the two best in the world. And maybe because Chris Jericho and Christian don't hold
the titles right now, maybe they are considered under rated.
An email asked Christian how he would rank the steel
cage match with Chris Jericho against his other matches in his career? Christian said he thinks it was definitely up there.
There were a couple of things that he would have liked to do differently but he was happy overall. It definitely ranks up
there but he and Chris had a long rivalry, from December up until this point where he's still injured. This rivalry that they've
had ranks up there with one of the top in his career.
Email: Are you ever going to grow your hair long again and how
come you cannot do the Peep Show while you're injured?
Christian: He never plans on growing his hair long again. If
he sees pictures of himself now with long hair, it makes him cringe. It's much easier to take care of this way and he just
likes it better. Christian does not have a hair stylist because he likes to do it himself.
Caller: Out of all the
TLC matches you've been in, have you had a favorite one?
Christian: The one that they had at Wrestlemania in Houston
was probably overall the best. The atmosphere had a great feeling, Rhyno was involved, Spike and Lita were also involved.
They used them and the match was perfect and it was probably the best one. The first ladder match with Edge and Christian
against the Hardys, that put them on the map so that one was special. They wrapped it up with Christian and Tommy Dreamer
told Christian to get better and he will talk to him soon.
Credit: PWInsider