Guest Gail Kim, Christian and Stone Cold Steve Austin
Hosts are Josh Matthews and Dr. Tom Pritchard,
and it's a mere 10 days away from the Royal Rumble in Philly!
No Droz this week, as he's in hospital - but as a special
guest - we're joined by Gail Kim, who reveals that Christmas is indeed celebrated in Canada. She's been out of action
with a broken collarbone which is, according to Dr. Tom, one of the most painful breakages. Fortunately for her, it
was a perfect break. However, she has just been informed that she will have to miss another month, just to be on the safe
side. As for the cause of the injury, Ms. Kim places the blame on Trish. Makes sense really, as Ms Kim next explains
that she fell but was unaware that there was a breakage until after the match had ended.
Us lucky viewers are able
to watch the match, but I'm unable to take it in - being distracted by the bright, shiny trousers being worn by Trish.
I blame it on the crows.
According to Gail, being off the road is worse than the physical pain. She sees Trish
as good competition, and would one day like to be at her level.
On winning the Women's Championship on her first night, Gail found it overwhelming. Also, people didn't
know who she was; she had to prove herself worthy to carry the belt.
Gail will be at the Rumble, just to show her
face and watch the event.
Dr. Tom agrees, and believes the two worst things in the business are having Josh as
a partner and being stuck at home. You're good watching tv for two hours, but then the boredom starts to set in and you
eventually drive yourself crazy.
Joined by Christian, who's doing well
and is looking forward to the next RAW brand PPV, which is held in Alberta, Canada. He finds it strange that even though
Alberta is three days drive from his hometown of Ontario - he's still treated as the hometown boy.
Dr. Tom says
he sees some of the same chemistry that was with Edge in Christian's relationship with Jericho, just a little different.
Concerning the bet situation - Christian believes Jericho's although Jericho's become a little soft, after the talk
on RAW, everything has been straightened out.
His thoughts on WrestleMania? This is the show that wrestlers work their
asses off for. It was difficult for him last year as he wasn't on the card. He made a promise to never be on the sidelines
Christian's dream tag team partner is Edge, although he says he prefers singles competition, and believes
Edge does as well. His dream feud would be with Shawn Michaels. He has fought him before, but would prefer a more
long term arrangement.
Christian misses the days of ladders, but thinks they were overused towards the end.
He believes there is still a place for them though.
On the best ever IC Champion, Christian name checks RVD, Steamboat,
Savage and the Honky Tonk Man.
Christian is not sure which brand Edge will return to, but believes he would return
to Smackdown.
On the cutting of the hair, Christian says it was the right time to do it. When you are in the
public eye you have to change your image, spice up your style and freshen up. Also it gives people a chance to see what
a sexy beast he is.
Tom adds that he's a big fan of change.
On whether he prefers being a heel or a face,
Christian says it's up to the fans to decide, but he likes being a little bit of a rule breaker. He would like
to face Benoit, as they have never met in singles competition before, and would like to go for the world title sometime
this year.
Christian took the idea for the Unprettier from Tommy Rogers, who was using it in Japan.
We watch
footage from No Way Out 2003 while we wait for Stone Cold. Joined by Steve Austin, who's doing good, hunting and drinking.
He enjoyed the trip to Iraq and the opportunity to thank the troops out there. He's looking forward to the WWE's trip to Japan.
He's been there three times already, with one three week tour being marred by his wrestling with a torn tricep.
from Ohio asks if it's difficult not being at in ring capacity. Austin says yes, but is still having a blast with
his new role. He says never say never to an in ring return. He'll always have a job in the company - and right now he's
working seven days a week in the merchandising department.
On possible movie deals, he's not looking to be an "actor",
a word spoken with a lot of disdain, but if the right role comes along which would allow him to be the Stone Cold character,
he would consider it. Right now he's doing a beer and camouflage clothing line.
He would love to deliver his final
stunner to Bill Goldberg, but believes Bill will be tied up come Wrestlemania.
On his favourite people to travel
with, Stone Cold mentions Kevin Nash, Brian Pillman and Mick Foley. With Nash, Austin used to have a competition to
see who could stay in the nastiest hotel.
His preferred drink is currently crown and water with lime.
Cold thinks that Triple H's promo about the Sheriff gimmick was maybe mistimed, and the badge may have been the wrong
thing to wear. However, that 's the name of the game in wrestling, trial and error. He believes a key failing of many
of the new guys is that they are not listening to the reactions of the crowd. He believes it ids important for the
younger guys to find their niche. He advises them to watch every match on the card, like he did. Also to pick the brains of
the over guys.
Austin's pick for the Rumble? Goldberg.
Concerning John Cena - Austin's only seen a few of his
matches but thinks he 's still green and isn't sure where Cena's head is at yet. However, he describes Cena as having
a great presence in the ring, good promo ability and a lot of potential.
The key lesson Stone Cold wants to teach
to the new guys is to make more out of less, there's no real need for lots of highspots, or for big guys to act like Rey.
He says that the recent HHH vs. HBK match has been made available to the younger talent and is interested in seeing how
many of them pick it up.
End of Show.